Rare hearing disorders and hearing implantation center in VUH SK provides highly specialized diagnostic interventions such as:
- Pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, free field audiometry (vision reinforcement audiometry, play audiometry, screening for the effectiveness of rehabilitated hearing)
- Tympanometry
- Otoacoustic emissions (OAE), Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA), Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR)
- Otomicroscopy
- Sonotubometry, videoendoscopy
- Temporal bone Computed Tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging
Additional tests
- Development assessment
- Neurological examination
- Genetic testing
Examination of the vestibular system
- Examination of vestibular reflexes
- Videonystagmometry
- Computed posturography
- Rotational chair testing
Surgical procedures in VUH SK
- Simultaneous/sequential unilateral/bilateral cochlear implantation
- Implantation of hearing systems (BONEBRIDGE, VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE, BAHA, BAHA Attract),
- Tympanoplasty,
- Ossiculoplasty using titanium prosthesis or autologous ossiculoplasty
- Stapedotomy
- Surgical management of cholesteatoma (canal-wall-down mastoidectomy, canal-wall-up mastoidectomy, reconstruction mastoidectomy),
- Reconstruction of the external auditory canal (meatoplasty) in cases stenosis, removal of exostosis of the external auditory canal,
- Ear tumor removal surgery,
- Laser Eustachian tuboplasty, open Eustachian tube correction surgery,
- Tympanotomy and tympanostomy,