Emergency care for adults is provided in the Emergency Department (Santariskiu st. 2, Building B, mob. 852365110). Medical doctors, emergency doctors, anesthesiologists, internal medicine doctors, cardiologists, surgeons, and neurologists work there around the clock.
The emergency department also coordinates and organizes the provision of emergency care outside the hospital and counseling in the hospital. Mob. 852365040.
Patients without health insurance are provided with only the necessary medical care. Patients who arrive on an emergency basis themselves or are brought in by an ambulance or from other medical institutions are consulted at the Admission-Emergency Post. The consulting physician evaluates the need for the patient to be hospitalized.

There is a separate reception for pregnant women and women giving birth in the obstetrics department (Santariskiu st. 2, building F, tel. 869771247). Five admission examination rooms are modernly equipped with all the equipment needed to assess the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. At the reception, pregnant women are consulted around the clock, necessary assistance is provided, and pregnant women and women giving birth are admitted to the hospital.
For scheduled patients (for example, if there is a date for elective surgery or induction of labor), it is recommended that patients arrive between 7 and 10 a.m.

Infectious Diseases Center Emergency Department is located on Santariskiu st. 14, mob. 852751076. Patients are examined and treated for acute infectious diseases. Currently, this is the central location of the COVID-19 patient examination in Vilnius.
Patients are registered outside at a specially equipped reception desk and in a heated tent to ensure the safety of patients and their relatives. The patient, after the registration, is directed to one of the isolated rooms (boxes). A thorough examination of the patient is performed there. After the laboratory tests results and the patient's condition is assessed, a decision is made on further tactics - hospitalization, referral to another medical institution, or release for home treatment.

Children are admitted to the Children's Hospital's Admission - Emergency Department Subdivision (Pediatric building, Santariskiu st. 4, mob. 852720387). This department serves the Pediatric Oncohematology Center and the Pediatric Center. All children arriving at the hospital must have a child's birth certificate or passport or a copy of the document.

Newborns and patients requiring surgical care are admitted to the 2nd admission-emergency department (Surgery building, Santariskiu st. 7, mob. 852720556, 865669951). This department serves the Center for Pediatric Surgery, Orthopedics-Traumatology, the Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care and Anesthesiology, Neonatology, and the Child and Adolescent Crisis Intervention Center. All children arriving must have a child's birth certificate, a passport or a copy of the document.